Wednesday, July 22, 2009

#20 - War vs. Hell

I'd like to pose a question...

Of the two (War and Hell), which is worse?

I have recently been inclined to say War is worse. I know that probably sounds loony but hear me out. Watching an episode of M*A*S*H recently I heard a quote that immediately hit me and hasn't left me since. Read the following dialog between Frank, Hawkeye and Father Mulcahy.

Frank: War is Hell.

Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.

Father Mulcahy: How do you figure, Hawkeye?

Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?

Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe.

Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chalk full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.

Now, the little quip at the end about 'brass' lightens the mood, but think about it. It's so true. As Christians, and humans for that matter, shouldn't we be afraid of hell? The more I think about it, I'm inclined to think I am more afraid of War.

I honestly don't know exactly what I think...

I guess the thought is moot considering I shouldn't worry about going to Hell, but still. I'd love to hear other opinions on this....if anyone still reads it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

#19 - Find My iPhone

So, I went ahead and paid the $300+ to get the new iPhone 3G S. I was looking forward to testing out some of the new features that came with it but weren't available on my original 3G. After testing the new phone I have to say it's pretty impressive. It's probably more than twice as fast as my 3G was and switches between apps super fast.

The last thing I had left to test was the Find My iPhone feature available via a MobileMe account. So I signed up for my free 60 day trial and set up everything to start finding my iphone. Again, Apple has produced an impressive piece of software. It locates your phone and shows it to you on a map. Additionally you can send a message or wipe it. I chose to send a message to it and it sent a message instantly. Probably faster than a text message. I have found one feature that I think should probably be looked at...when you choose to play a sound with the message, it plays that sound at the volume level you have your speaker set to. So if you are like me, you turn your ringer down all the way because it's super loud, you probably won't be able to hear the sound made by the 'Find My iPhone' feature as it doesn't actually turn your speaker up.

Still, I must say, Apple has improved the OS and phone enough that I would recommend it to anyone looking for a phone (work or personal).

Thursday, June 18, 2009

#18 - NFL, murderers, and the like

There is much ado in the NFL lately about the recent ruling on Donte Stallworth regarding a DUI manslaughter charge. The basics of the story are as follows: Donte Stallworth was driving under the influence of alcohol and he hit a man and killed him. He had a BAL of .126, well above the legal limit of .08. His sentence was 30 days in prison. Of that 30 days, he must only serve 24. Stallworth must also undergo drug and alcohol testing, will have a lifetime driver's license suspension and must perform 1,000 hours of community service. Christopher Lyons, Stallworth's lawyer, said that after five years, Stallworth could win approval for limited driving for reasons such as employment. Now, I believe, but am not positive that he avoided a Felony conviction (which could have carried a 15 year sentence) and plead guilty to misdemeanor DUI manslaughter. Not sure how that works, but I'm pretty sure I got that right.

I want to lay out my thoughts on playing in the NFL for you so that hopefully, you will more clearly understand why I think the way I do. It is my thought that playing in the NFL is a privilege. You obviously have to have God given talent and along with that work your butt off training and becoming the best. You're being payed to play a game. You're playing in the National Football League. Many argue that it is just business and that people can't be revoked their right to play in the game. I argue that point by saying this...professional sports are regulated by the government. They have anti-trust status preventing them from being declared a monopoly. The government provides them with tax breaks and in some cases gives them land allowing teams to build stadiums on that land. The government uses the anti-trust status as leverage to force leagues to do certain things, such as making baseball expand. Because of all of this, I say that playing in the NFL is a privilege.

Now, if you were to commit a felony, I say you shouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL or any other professional sport. Why? If you commit a felony, depending on the severity, you lose your right to serve your country in the military. In some states, you lose your right to vote. Also, you can lose your right to bear arms! Being a felon can actually make you lose some rights given you by the Constitution of the United States! Now, I'm not here to argue whether that is right or wrong, I'm just saying that because of the way things are currently, we must continue down this path. If someone is willing to change those laws, then so be it, I'll change my view. In addition to all of that, you can also lose your right to be on a jury, therefore, making you peerless as it were.

What does all of this have to do with Donte Stallworth? Well, honestly, I can't say it has anything to do with him. Technically I believe he was found guilty of a misdemeanor. (Should have been a felony). What this DOES have to do with is Michael Vick. He HAS been convicted of a felony. I am so tired of hearing people say they want to see him make a triumphant return. I'm even tired of people saying they want him to make a return and flop! He shouldn't be allowed to play! He committed a felony, he's out. Period. (Side note: If they do let him back, I hope he comes out on the field and a fan runs on with a pit bull and the dog chews his legs off)

What about Pacman Jones? Well, this is where things get confusing. I love my NFL. I love what Roger Goodell has done by implementing a strict player conduct policy. The policy only applies to the player's personal lives and image in the public spotlight. I like this policy. It makes my NFL appear to be law abiding whether the players are or not. Jones was suspended because he had too many run-ins with the law. No, he was never convicted of any felonies (or misdemeanors??), but he was too often caught up in felonies and misdemeanors. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time all the time.

Well..I kind of ended that quickly, but I'm burned out on talking about the problems in the NFL.

#17 - REALLY, North Korea?! REALLY!?!

Over the past few weeks, I'm sure everyone has seen the tensions rising in the East as Korea has stepped closer and closer to the land mine that is Nuclear Armament. I understand the need for concern on the part of world powers. Someone as 'off' as Kim Jong Il having nuclear capabilities is not something to be shrugged off.

That said....

Dear Kim (Can I call you that, or should I say Mr. Jong Il? Or should it be Mr. Il, or Kim Jong?)

REALLY, North Korea?! REALLY?! You seriously think that you can threaten other countries with destruction and get away with it? REALLY?! The whole problem here is that you have nothing that we want! If you were in possession of something that another country wanted (Excluding SKorea because I'm sure they'd love to have the whole peninsula to themselves), I could understand using your military powers to push someone around and get something. Unfortunately for you, your not in possession of such a thing. Add to that, the fact that your closest ally, China, has left you standing alone, you're looking pretty silly!

On top of all of that - you say, 'If the US and its followers infringe upon our republic's sovereignty even a bit, our military and people will launch a one hundred- or one thousand-fold retaliation with merciless military strike.' ( Let me get this're saying that if we were to, I dunno, stop a NKorean ship at high seas, you're going to retaliate a thousand-fold? Do you have any idea how dumb that would be?! You've just threatened the most powerful military in the world! If we wanted to, we could vaporize you and rewrite history as if you never existed! Of course, we wouldn't, because we would make an example of you. In essence, we would bend you over Deliverance style and make you squeal like a pig! How ignorant are you?!

Let's review - You're pursuing nuclear armament. You're closest ally, China, has had enough of your stupidity and could/probably will single-handedly cripple you by cutting off trade. You've threatened the most powerful military in the world. Looks like a good start. Maybe in a few months you can even invade South Korea! That would only make an end come quicker.

My advice to you, is this: Stop it. Stop. Stop. Stop it. You've been bad. We'll put you in timeout this time but if it happens again we'll have to punish you.

Your not-so friend,


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

16 - So much happening...

There is so much happening, you might notice a few posts here in the next few hours. I've got so many things I want to say about world events! Should be a fun time.

Here's something fun to do:

Monday, April 27, 2009

15 - By the way...

I don't know if anyone realized it, but 2009 is shaping up to be a phenomenal movie year. The last time we've had a year like this was probably 2003 when the last 2 Matrix movies came out, Pirates of the Carribean, and LOTR: Return of the King...just to name a few.

This year is looking to be truly epic. Let me just prepare you for it....

May 1 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
May 7 - Star Trek
May 15 - Angels and Demons
May 21 - Terminator Salvation
June 24 - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
July 15 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
August 7 - G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra
November 20 - The Twilight Saga: New Moon
December 25 - Sherlock Holmes

And honestly, I'm sure I'll go see more than just those, but they are really the big blockbusters. There will be several family movies coming out this year which will make the year all around fantastic.

I love me some good movies...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

#14 - CADIE

This is a truly amazing time for science. Check out the link below about Google's new CADIE. This brings forth almost unlimited scientific applications and tests. I can't wait for this to be put into an actual free standing machine.

Exciting times!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

#13 - Enter Title Here, I'm too mad to enter one

The link above is a link to a news story about the Obama administration seeking to have treatment for service-connected injuries charged to veterans' private insurance plans.

I don't even know what to say about this.

I voted for him, but what the deuce is he thinking? Our country sends them over to Iraq to fight a war that clearly shouldn't be fought any longer and he wants to take away their benefits?!


This infuriates me!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Zahl Zwölf - A Cougar...and other things I want (ed?) but never got

When I was 14, I remember sitting at my grandparent's house and looking across the street at a car dealership. It wasn't much of a dealership, all used cars, maybe 10-20 on the lot. There was one car that I wanted so bad and I don't think I'll ever forget it. It had dark windows, probably illegal tinting, it was grey and charcoal two tone. It had the red pinstripe down the side. It was the only car I thought I would ever have and never got it.

The Mercury Cougar that will forever haunt me.

Every time I see one on the road now, I think of that car. How cool I would have been with it and all my friends wanting to ride in it. The thing is, now that I actually think about it, it was probably not near as nice as I thought. I would probably have had to run the car into the ground and buy a different one. For some reason this car popped into my head and I started thinking about things that I want/wanted that I have never/probably won't had/have. Too many /'s.

MacPro - $15,000.00 - Dual Quadcore 2.26GHz processor, 4TB hard drive space, 2 super drives, 4 dvi output, 2 30" cinema displays, 32GB's of RAM...32!!! I'm not really sure what would follow me getting this machine, but I can assure you it would be EPIC.

A boat - doesn't matter to me really what long as it floated and I could fish from it. Peace and quiet time is entirely under appreciated in our society and a boat could seriously feed that addiction.

A Great Dane - I'm not kidding. I love my cat, but I would love to have a dog that I had to saddle up before we went for a walk. Trained of course...and I'm not sure, but I've heard women like dogs.

Trip to Ireland - I love the accent. I would go there and just talk to people. Hear about their lives and hopefully stay long enough to find a pretty lass to come home with me. HA.

Less Introversion more Extroversion - My brother got the family share of Extroversion. I'm jealous of him for that. He's a much better people person than I am. At least I'm better at everything else. ;-)

Suits - I would love to be able to afford to wear a suit every day of the week. I want to tell my friends to Suit Up! We're going out!

A Monkey - A monkey! Suited Up with me! Hello hello.

My own restaurant - I love to cook, but I'd like to be the boss at a great restaurant even more. Hook my friends up and have people come from long distances just to be in the atmosphere of my place.

Last but most definitely not least, the respect of my father, family and friends. - I'm not saying I don't have this, I'm just saying that it is something I definitely pursue. When everything is said and done, I want people to be able to say that they always knew where they stood with me and that I would be there if they needed me. really took a turn for the depressing side on the last one. Here's a funny link to lift the spirits -

Was just reading through the news and saw this and thought it was crazy -

Sunday, March 8, 2009

#11 - Potent Quotables

I was watching some movies the other day and was thinking about good quotes. I figured I'd throw up some of my favorites. I might add to this list as time passes, I'll be sure to make a completely new post for it though.

There is only one conclusion to every story; we all fall down. - Domino - from the movie Domino

The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed? - Il Duce - from the movie The Boondock Saints

If I can't get the girl, at least give me more money. - Hawkeye - from the tv show M*A*S*H

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. - dc talk - from the album jesus freak

God didn't do this to us, we did. - Robert Neville - from the movie I Am Legend

You want to know the truth? I became a soldier because I wanted to protect my country. Just like a lot of my buddies, guys who got back from Iraq, messed up. And for what? To come home and be forgotten by the same government they were fighting to protect? Our country was born out of rebellion and if that's what it takes to get back our freedom, then yeah, I'm a terrorist, just like Thomas Jefferson was a terrorist. - Whiplash - from the tv show The Unit

I'll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Carey Grant, cash in carry, carry me back to old Virginia, I'll even Harry Caray if you show me how, but I will NOT carry a gun! - Hawkeye - from the tv show M*A*S*H

Saturday, March 7, 2009

#10 - Hmm...BRILLIANT!

For a long time now, I've been very firm in my stance about the 'Genius' feature in iTunes. I just find it amazing that it took Apple so long to do something that has been out for quite some time now. Kind of like them refusing to switch to HDMI output on their laptops because they think DVI is better (HDMI includes sound, DVI doesn't, HDMI has a sharper image imo and a smaller plug...silly Apple).

Anyways! I get sidetracked easily. So I turned on Genius the other day because I was so anti it. I selected a song in my music list and clicked the genius button and BOOM I've got my first Genius playlist.

I gotta say, I'm quite impressed. The 'base song' I chose was 'What If' by Coldplay. From this song, I received what was quite possibly one of the best playlists ever. They weren't all songs I love (or even like for a few), but still, amazing playlist.

What's that? You want to know what it is? Oh! Ok! From the top:

What If - Coldplay
#41 - Dave Matthews Band
Waiting For My Real Life To Begin - Colin Hay
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Who Wants To Live Forever - Queen
Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park
I Dare You - Shinedown
Shiver - Coldplay
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
Crush - Dave Matthews Band (Central Park Concert Disc 1)
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd (The Wall Disc 2)
Overkill - Colin Hay
The Show Must Go On - Queen
Square One - Coldplay
Burning Bright - Shinedown
Hero Of The Day - Metallica
Hands Held High - Linkin Park
Space Between - Dave Matthews Band
Comfortably Numb (Encore) - Pink Floyd (Pulse Disc 2)
Politik - Coldplay
Heroes - Shinedown
The Unforgiven - Metallica
Down Under - Colin Hay
Radio Ga Ga - Queen

Now, I know people are thinking, 'Kevin, there are a lot of repeat bands on there.' Yeah, there are. I listen to a lot more music than what is played there, I'm not sure why their 'genius' didn't give me more variety, but honestly I'm ok with it.

When you take Colin Hay, Pink Floyd, Dave Matthews, and Coldplay, you're going to have a great playlist.

If you want to hear some great music check out Comfortably Numb, Waiting For My Real Life to Begin, Crush, and Burning Bright. I could listen to those 4 everyday.

If anyone still reads this, I'd like to know some of your favorite songs.