Thursday, September 25, 2008

#2 - Career change?

If you could become anything, have any job, what would it be?

Money isn't an object and neither is your ability to learn. Retirement also isn't a choice.

Funny picture #2:


Keith said...


Kevin said...

You realistically think that you could take another person's life without looking them in the eyes?

Emily said...

I think it would be worse to take someone's life while looking them in the eyes. Better at a distance than face to face... realistically, I don't think I could either. :-)

Emily said...

P.S. I do sympathize with the dog's crazy hair...

Dave said...

Keith would only be a sniper if he could respawn.

I would definitely want to be in charge of the laptop division at apple computers

Keith said...

From everything that I have read about snipers, it is a very intimate thing. They are far away, but sometimes they can see the victims eyes. Yeah, If it was a do or die thing, I think I could do it.

Heather said...

I would probably lead a double life. By day I would be an ultra-hippie, patchuli oil wearing artist that made mixed media masterpieces out of recycled and scrap materials with a studio in an old industrial building. At night I would be a rock star, like somewhere between Cheryl Crow and Natalie Merchant.
In real life I am a mom that scrapbooks and sings very loud in the car, so I guess I am not too far off.
Not as exciting as a sniper, but that's the best I can do. You did not answer your own question, what would you do?

Kevin said...

I would love to be either an Army Night Stalker, a Navy Seal, or a high school Physics teacher. Possibly some sort of NSA agent.

I would absolutely love to be special ops. The style of job just sounds fascinating.

The Physics teacher because I had one in high school who was probably the coolest teacher I've ever had. Only problem with that is I hate the's so boring!

Maybe a Private Investigator. That sounds fun.

I really have too many things I'd want to do to decide on one.