Thursday, June 18, 2009

#17 - REALLY, North Korea?! REALLY!?!

Over the past few weeks, I'm sure everyone has seen the tensions rising in the East as Korea has stepped closer and closer to the land mine that is Nuclear Armament. I understand the need for concern on the part of world powers. Someone as 'off' as Kim Jong Il having nuclear capabilities is not something to be shrugged off.

That said....

Dear Kim (Can I call you that, or should I say Mr. Jong Il? Or should it be Mr. Il, or Kim Jong?)

REALLY, North Korea?! REALLY?! You seriously think that you can threaten other countries with destruction and get away with it? REALLY?! The whole problem here is that you have nothing that we want! If you were in possession of something that another country wanted (Excluding SKorea because I'm sure they'd love to have the whole peninsula to themselves), I could understand using your military powers to push someone around and get something. Unfortunately for you, your not in possession of such a thing. Add to that, the fact that your closest ally, China, has left you standing alone, you're looking pretty silly!

On top of all of that - you say, 'If the US and its followers infringe upon our republic's sovereignty even a bit, our military and people will launch a one hundred- or one thousand-fold retaliation with merciless military strike.' ( Let me get this're saying that if we were to, I dunno, stop a NKorean ship at high seas, you're going to retaliate a thousand-fold? Do you have any idea how dumb that would be?! You've just threatened the most powerful military in the world! If we wanted to, we could vaporize you and rewrite history as if you never existed! Of course, we wouldn't, because we would make an example of you. In essence, we would bend you over Deliverance style and make you squeal like a pig! How ignorant are you?!

Let's review - You're pursuing nuclear armament. You're closest ally, China, has had enough of your stupidity and could/probably will single-handedly cripple you by cutting off trade. You've threatened the most powerful military in the world. Looks like a good start. Maybe in a few months you can even invade South Korea! That would only make an end come quicker.

My advice to you, is this: Stop it. Stop. Stop. Stop it. You've been bad. We'll put you in timeout this time but if it happens again we'll have to punish you.

Your not-so friend,


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