Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Zahl Zwölf - A Cougar...and other things I want (ed?) but never got

When I was 14, I remember sitting at my grandparent's house and looking across the street at a car dealership. It wasn't much of a dealership, all used cars, maybe 10-20 on the lot. There was one car that I wanted so bad and I don't think I'll ever forget it. It had dark windows, probably illegal tinting, it was grey and charcoal two tone. It had the red pinstripe down the side. It was the only car I thought I would ever have and never got it.

The Mercury Cougar that will forever haunt me.

Every time I see one on the road now, I think of that car. How cool I would have been with it and all my friends wanting to ride in it. The thing is, now that I actually think about it, it was probably not near as nice as I thought. I would probably have had to run the car into the ground and buy a different one. For some reason this car popped into my head and I started thinking about things that I want/wanted that I have never/probably won't had/have. Too many /'s.

MacPro - $15,000.00 - Dual Quadcore 2.26GHz processor, 4TB hard drive space, 2 super drives, 4 dvi output, 2 30" cinema displays, 32GB's of RAM...32!!! I'm not really sure what would follow me getting this machine, but I can assure you it would be EPIC.

A boat - doesn't matter to me really what long as it floated and I could fish from it. Peace and quiet time is entirely under appreciated in our society and a boat could seriously feed that addiction.

A Great Dane - I'm not kidding. I love my cat, but I would love to have a dog that I had to saddle up before we went for a walk. Trained of course...and I'm not sure, but I've heard women like dogs.

Trip to Ireland - I love the accent. I would go there and just talk to people. Hear about their lives and hopefully stay long enough to find a pretty lass to come home with me. HA.

Less Introversion more Extroversion - My brother got the family share of Extroversion. I'm jealous of him for that. He's a much better people person than I am. At least I'm better at everything else. ;-)

Suits - I would love to be able to afford to wear a suit every day of the week. I want to tell my friends to Suit Up! We're going out!

A Monkey - A monkey! Suited Up with me! Hello hello.

My own restaurant - I love to cook, but I'd like to be the boss at a great restaurant even more. Hook my friends up and have people come from long distances just to be in the atmosphere of my place.

Last but most definitely not least, the respect of my father, family and friends. - I'm not saying I don't have this, I'm just saying that it is something I definitely pursue. When everything is said and done, I want people to be able to say that they always knew where they stood with me and that I would be there if they needed me. really took a turn for the depressing side on the last one. Here's a funny link to lift the spirits -

Was just reading through the news and saw this and thought it was crazy -

1 comment:

Keith said...

...either resign, uh, or go commit suicide.